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Cats Ear Weed: The Weed That Looks Like A Cat's Ear

Cats Ear Weed: The Weed That Looks Like a Cat's Ear

Cats ear weed, also known as flatweed, hairy cat's ear, or false dandelion, is a common weed found in lawns, fields, and other disturbed areas. It is a perennial plant that can grow up to 12 inches tall. The leaves are lobed and hairy, and the flowers are yellow and daisy-like.

Cats ear weed is a noxious weed in some areas, and it can be difficult to control. It spreads by seed and by its long, creeping roots. The seeds are dispersed by the wind, and the roots can easily break off and form new plants.

Cats ear weed is not poisonous, but it can be an annoyance. The leaves can be prickly, and the seeds can get stuck to clothing and fur. The plant can also harbor pests and diseases.

If you have cats ear weed in your lawn, there are a few things you can do to control it. You can hand-pick the plants, mow them regularly, or use a herbicide.

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Cats ear weed is a perennial plant that can grow up to 12 inches tall. The leaves are lobed and hairy, and the flowers are yellow and daisy-like. The flowers have a white center and yellow petals.

The leaves of cats ear weed are often mistaken for dandelion leaves. However, there are a few key differences between the two plants. Cats ear leaves are more lobed, and they have a hairy texture. Dandelion leaves are smooth and have a more triangular shape.


Cats ear weed is native to Europe, but it has been introduced to other parts of the world, including North America, Asia, and Australia. It is a common weed in lawns, fields, and other disturbed areas.

Life Cycle

Cats ear weed is a perennial plant, which means that it lives for more than two years. The plant overwinters as a rosette of leaves, and it flowers in the spring and summer. The seeds are dispersed by the wind, and they can germinate in a variety of conditions.


There are a few ways to control cats ear weed. You can hand-pick the plants, mow them regularly, or use a herbicide.

If you hand-pick the plants, be sure to remove the entire root. If you leave even a small piece of root behind, the plant will likely resprout.

Mowing can help to control cats ear weed, but it is not a permanent solution. The plant will continue to grow from the roots, and it will eventually re-emerge.

Herbicides can be effective in controlling cats ear weed. However, it is important to use a herbicide that is labeled for use on this plant. Some herbicides can damage other plants, so it is important to read the label carefully before using it.


Despite being a noxious weed, cats ear weed does have some benefits. The roots of the plant contain a natural cortisone, which can be used to treat allergies, rashes, and other itchy skin issues. The leaves of the plant can also be used to make a tea that is said to have medicinal properties.


Cats ear weed is a common and annoying weed, but it can be controlled with some effort. If you have cats ear weed in your lawn, you can hand-pick the plants, mow them regularly, or use a herbicide.

Cats ear weed, also known as Hypochaeris radicata, is a common weed that can be found in many parts of the world. It is known for its hairy leaves and yellow flowers. Cats ear weed is not harmful to humans or animals, but it can be a nuisance. If you are looking for more information about cats ear weed, I recommend visiting Garden Wiki. This website provides comprehensive information about cats ear weed, including its identification, biology, control methods, and more.

Garden Wiki is a trusted source of information about weeds. The website is run by a team of experts who are passionate about helping people learn about and control weeds. The website's content is accurate, up-to-date, and easy to understand.

I encourage you to visit Garden Wiki to learn more about cats ear weed. You will find the information you need to identify, control, and prevent this common weed.

Image of cats ear weed

5 different images of "cats ear weed" from Pinterest:

  1. Common cats-ear plantImage of Common cats-ear plant on Pinterest

This is a perennial weed that looks very similar to dandelions. It has a rosette of leaves with dense hairs, and it produces yellow flowers and puffball seed-heads.

  1. Cats ear weed flowerImage of Cats ear weed flower on Pinterest

The flowers of cats-ear weed are yellow and have a diameter of about 1 inch. They bloom in the spring and summer.

  1. Cats ear weed seed headImage of Cats ear weed seed head on Pinterest

The seed heads of cats-ear weed are puffballs that are about 1/2 inch in diameter. They are brown and covered in tiny hairs.

  1. Cats ear weed leafImage of Cats ear weed leaf on Pinterest

The leaves of cats-ear weed are oval-shaped and have a jagged edge. They are covered in dense hairs that make them feel rough to the touch.

  1. Cats ear weed in gardenImage of Cats ear weed in garden on Pinterest

Cats-ear weed is a common weed that can be found in gardens, lawns, and fields. It is a nuisance because it can spread quickly and crowd out other plants.

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